Friday, January 30, 2015

It's the weekend...

Get out and play!  Yes, I am talking to you, the mom!!  I am so guilty of not doing this.  I have a hard time "playing."  I am also talking to your kiddos.  Kids mimic adults behavior.  You can do it...take some time this weekend and just be silly and PLAY!  Come on, everyone is doing it and Mr. Rogers said it, so it has to be true.  Side note: this reminder is as much for me as it is for you...

Unknown photo credit.  

Saturday, January 24, 2015

A few more Valentine's specials...

Here are a few little gems that are ready to ship just in time for Valentine's Day! Pair with a sweater or shirt and leggings and your doll is ready to go.   Just email us if interested in buying at  

2/3T Apron Dress $38

2T Metallic Dot Downtown with Button up back

$35 5T Apron Tunic Shirt

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Some Valentine's Day Eye Candy

All items are ready to ship...we love Valentine's Day over here at Playing House!  Dress your girls from casual fun to the Daddy Daughter Dance in some of our adorable products...more to come come back and see us!  All are one of a kind...

5/6T Ruffle Skirt

2T Downtown Dress - Buttons down back $45

2/3T Playing House Skirt $20

Ruffle Pants 3T

12-18 month apron dress On Sale $38

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

2015 Spring Clothesline Fabrics

New Fabrics for Spring 2015

Yes, we are thinking spring here at Playing House.  No snow in Indiana has made the start of 2015 a little dreary.  So bright colors, tulips, and paint cans are what we have been focusing on.  Check out our new line up.  New styles coming in a month.  As always if you do not see a fabric that you just love, I (Amanda) will always pursue other fabric options.  I am a fabric-holic.  Sometimes, I drive Keri crazy with fabric options.  59ish days til Spring, but who's counting?!  So here they are....drum roll, please!

Cherie Collection

Spectrum Triangle


The Peacock Collection

Plumage in Rose                                                     Drops in White

Scattered Feathers


The Flora Collection by Joel Dewberry

Rose Bouquet

Tulip in Poppy                                                        Kabash in Poppy 


The House and Garden Collection

Tulips                                      XOXO in Plummy

                              Stitch Circle in Orange                                 Basic Teal




Chroma Paint Cans


Glitter Chevron

Fox and Houndstooth Bow Ties (Boys option)

Blue Chevron

Saturday, January 17, 2015

2015 resolutions...Blah Blah Blah

So resolutions, smasultions...everyone has all these brilliant things and habits that they are going to make happen every January of every year and I'm sure 2015 was no different.  Am I right?  Yeah, I'm talking to you!

Well, mine (Amanda) for this year was real simple and so underachieverish of me....keep it real simple and be an underachiever...yeah that's right.  Throw out the junk (stuff and drama) I don't NEED in my life.  Focus on all the people and projects that are super duper important to me.  As I was doing just that (unsubscribing to junk emails), I found this little gem of a lady's blog.  I immediately subscribed by email and it's been the best thing I've done this year.  Yes, just the opposite of my resolution, but she is a need in my life.  I'm serious...check her out!  Mine your diamonds, peeps!

I promise...I will post about dresses soon!

Thursday, January 15, 2015

I'm kind of on a roll....

Okay Playing House Peeps, I am on a roll in the kitchen. I hope I'm not the only one who never knows what's for dinner.  This was the easiest recipe ever! Best part was I bought the ginormous pork loin at Sam's super cheap and cut it in fourths, so now there are leftovers for quick easy meals! Enjoy!  She was right on with the name.  Link below:

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Must Have Recipe - Banana Chocolate Chip Scones

Oh my, so I'm obsessed with baked goods and not low-fat healthy options.  If I'm going to do 500 squats at the gym, I want my food to be good.  So when I found this recipe tonight, it only took me two seconds to decide I was making these.  It seems I always have overly ripe bananas I have to use.  I eat bananas, so I am still not sure why I always have overly ripe gnat-swarming ones, but not complaining after eating these little nuggets of goodness.   Really...these are so easy.  I didn't do the glaze,  so you are on your own there. Oh and if you don't have buttermilk, don't stress.  Just use the milk you have and squirt a little lemon juice in it.  Happy baking! Props to the gal over at How Sweet It Is!

A New Year 2015

Well, Keri and I survived another Christmas.  The past month or so, we've enjoyed the slowness of the Holiday let down.  BUT, this week I began scouring the fabric stores for new fabrics.  Keri has been busy adding inventory for Toodleydoo Toys (Franklin, IN) and Stash (Columbus, IN).  So thoughts of fabrics and dress styles are running through our heads.

New fabrics will be coming out MONDAY...yes, I am screaming at you, MONDAY, JANUARY 19th.  We are super excited about the upcoming prints available this spring!  We even still have some oldies, but goodies from 2015.  Shhhhh don't tell Keri, but I snapped a sneak peek of some options on our private Pinterest account.  

So come back and see us Monday!  Fabric options will be up and then a few weeks later, you should be seeing some new inventory.  Spring is just around the corner, I promise!

Happy Hump Day,
